Childhood Obesity

Children WIN (Wellness Initiative Network)
Children WIN cmykMoving families to make healthier choices for life.

What is Children WIN?
Childhood obesity is an increasing trend in many communities, including Cabarrus County.  When the work began, approximately 34% of Cabarrus County residents ages 0-18 years were overweight or obese.  Recognizing the potential impact of such a trend, Carolinas HealthCare System NorthEast commissioned development of a plan of action to study and make suggestions for changing this trend.  With the help of professors from The University of North Carolina at Charlotte College of Health and Human Services Department of Public Health, an action plan was developed and presented that outlined general suggestions for addressing the problem. 

Five Areas Identified for Intervention:

  • Integrate more health/physical education and nutrition education throughout grades K-12
  • Develop messages around the benefits of healthy eating and being physically active
  • Implement parent, caregiver and healthcare provider education and other interventions in the areas of nutrition and physical activity
  • Expand greenways and increase accessibility to parks
  • Implement/expand policies that incentivize a decrease in the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages.

The work is facilitated through Healthy Cabarrus, a local health coalition that has a strong history of success with implementing positive community changes.  The Executive Steering Committee directs the work and commits resources to assure its success.  The interventions are designed by Cabarrus Wellness Coalition Workgroups according to area of focus.  Parent, Youth, and Business Advisory Councils inform the workgroups.  A Resource Group of loaned experts in their respective fields, who can help with research, tracking, measuring, funding, and messaging, assists their work.

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Guiding Principles:
There are three over-arching tenets to guide the work.  These are: 

  1. Work will be multi-generational, with commitment to longevity of the work for 10-20 years
  2. Work will be cross-sectorial, involving all sectors of influence including healthcare, public health, business, non-profits, education, faith communities, and government
  3. Work will be based on evidence of effectiveness documented in related professional literature and research

2019 Goals:

  • Plan a community-wide walking campaign to engage 1000 new walkers in Cabarrus County, with an emphasis on children and families
  • Identify Setting Lead for 5210 Healthy Together in Schools, Out of School (potential for Early Childhood and Workplace)
  • Collaboratively produce 5210 Workplace Toolkit and offer to Chamber to place on Chamber website
  • Sign a letter of support for and commitment to the work of Children WIN, and commit to implement at least one organizational change that will contribute to the health of the community’s children

Cabarrus Wellness Coalition - Children WIN Workgroup Leads
Clinical - 
Cherie Granillo,  Lead
Assist with developing standards of care for preventing and treating childhood overweight and obesity as well as identify resources for providers.

Early Childhood - Melanie Grafals, Lead
Assist with developing education, policy, programs and resources related to healthy choices for children ages 0-5.

School-Aged - Gail Corteville, Lead
Assist with developing education, policy, programs and resources related to healthy choices for children ages K-12.

Community Design -  Scott Sherrill, Lead
Encourage and advocate for improving the built environment to promote increase physical activity, access to healthier food options and other options for healthy choices.

Community Programming -  Ian Crane and Michael Dorsey, Leads
Identify strategies and interventions that suppot increased opportunitites for physical activity programming for all residents of Cabarrus County.

Interested in Supporting?
To donate to the work, contact:
The Cabarrus Healthcare Foundation, 704-403-1369, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or visit the website at
The Cabarrus Public Health Interest, 704-920-1282, or or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.